Various writings by Martin Luther

Luther on the Transfiguration

To consider Christ’s glorious Transfiguration on its own is eye-opening; to hear how Luther describes this glory as yours nearly bursts the eyes from their sockets, bringing hope to the Christian heart.

Luther’s Letters

Those who have read Luther’s public writings might have a certain perception of what they would expect his other works to look like. However, Luther was also a very prolific writer of private letters.

Kingdom of the Right: Luther on the Church

Simply put, the kingdom of the right is the Church, both in earth and heaven. In Luther’s On Temporal Authority, the reformer refers to this as “the kingdom of God.”

Luther on the Office of the Ministry

To run to the ends of the earth preaching the Gospel is precisely Jesus’ charge to his Apostles (Acts 1:8). Luther writes about them, “Their running, I say, is truly sweet, that is, their ministry is most delightful, not like that of Moses and the prophets. To run means to serve in the office of preacher..."

Luther on the Cross and Suffering

Luther says that suffering should not be something we choose. We can’t choose which cross we bear. That’s up to God. Luther addresses this with four reasons.

Luther on the Family

Clearly Luther saw marriage and the estate of the family as important, but what does this mean for us? Seeing how important this was for Luther first of all gives us an insight as to how we should encourage people to view marriage and the family in our time.

Luther’s ‘The Babylonian Captivity of the Church’

The Babylonian Captivity of the Church appeared in print less than a week before the papal bull against Luther reached Wittenberg in October, 1520. Both works were being prepared at the same time: while Rome was working to prosecute Luther’s heresy trail, Luther was putting the Roman sacramental system on trial.

Reflections on Luther’s Flood Prayer

Theology will always lead to prayer. We listen to God and then echo His words back to Him in prayer. If you want to know what someone believes, listen to the way that they pray.