Religious Liberty: Free to be Faithful®

A religious liberty education and awareness campaign from the LCMS

‘Free to be Faithful’ – Fall 2018 newsletter

“Free to be Faithful Newsletter” provides update on the U.S. Army dropping its investigation against Southern Baptist chaplain Jerry Scott Squires, who was charged with discrimination against a lesbian soldier who wanted to attend a marriage retreat.

‘Free to be Faithful’ – Summer 2018 newsletter

LCMS' “Free to be Faithful Newsletter” provides an update on the case concerning ministers' housing allowances. Churches should note this discussion is taking place, as it could change the way pastors are paid.

‘Free to be Faithful’ – Fall 2017 newsletter

Read the latest about religious liberty issues affecting Christian service members in our nation’s military and how LCMS military chaplains, the Synod’s Ministry to the Armed Forces and some religious liberty advocates are making a difference.

‘Free To Be Faithful’ – Spring 2017 newsletter

Read the latest about Judge Ruth Neely, a member of Our Savior Lutheran Church — an LCMS congregation in Pinedale, Wyo. — whom state officials censured even though they chose not to remove her from her judiciary duties for her faith-based beliefs about marriage.

‘Free To Be Faithful’ – Fall 2016 newsletter

The Fall 2016 issue of the Free To Be Faithful Newsletter features information on important court cases and related issues at the forefront this year having significant implications for the rights of Christians to live faithfully.

KFUO Audio: Interview with Rev. Jeffrey Dock about Options for Women

KFUO Radio’s Andy Bates and Rev. Jeffrey Dock – pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Louisiana, Mo., and president of Options for Women – discuss the new pregnancy resource center in Bowling Green, Mo. The center, which opened on May 2, serves Bowling Green and surrounding counties in northeast Missouri.

‘Free To Be Faithful’ – Spring 2016 newsletter

The spring 2016 Free To Be Faithful Newsletter contains information about several pending U.S. Supreme Court cases affecting religious liberty, including those impacting the pro-life movement and the Catholic organization Little Sisters of the Poor.