LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission – Webinar: ‘Insights on Establishing Ministry Among the Chinese’
The Rev. Steve Law, pastor of Wollaston Lutheran Church in Quincy, Mass., shares insights on establishing ministry among the Chinese.
The Rev. Steve Law, pastor of Wollaston Lutheran Church in Quincy, Mass., shares insights on establishing ministry among the Chinese.
The Rev. Charles St-Onge, pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church in Montreal, Canada, and area facilitator for the LCMS Office of International Mission, shared his experience of shepherding a diverse congregation.
The Rev. Dr. Terry Chan explores strategies to reach Asian Americans with the Gospel.
The Rev. Richard Schlak explores the opportunities and challenges of using teams to plant Hispanic and other ethnic churches.
Este programa está disponible en español, extendiendo la utilidad del programa a las congregaciones de habla español, a los pastores y laicos tanto en los EEUU como en el extranjero.
This guide was created to help individuals make use of the Every One His Witness core module resources that were originally intended for use by groups. It is meant to increase the accessibility of the Every One His Witness resources for people who want to be more active, effective, and joyful witnesses of Jesus.
An initiative of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, the Every One His Witness® Lutheran evangelism program puts sound doctrine into practical action for sharing the faith with people in our everyday lives.