The mission of the Church in dark and latter days
The fear of world wars, global pandemics, economic depression ... what does it all mean to the future of the mission of the church?
Mission Field: USA A flexible framework for Lutheran church planting
The fear of world wars, global pandemics, economic depression ... what does it all mean to the future of the mission of the church?
Looking ahead to the year 2050 in the U.S., what does the future of the church, and of church planting, look like?
Together we will reach the least and the lost in MissionField: USA, and we will bring the Gospel to new people in new places across the country. We are going to tell the Good News and love our neighbor.
John 14:25–31 25 “These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. 26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he…
Fast coming up on the 500th Anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation, what is the Reformation in its present form - right here and right now?
The manual offers a step-by-step approach from forming a core group to becoming a fully established congregation in the LCMS.
A Primer for Church Planting - based on Luther’s Marks of the Church with a mission framework of Witness, Mercy, and Life Together Introduction Why should the LCMS consider “Witness,…
KFUO Radio host Andy Bates talks with Rev. Steve Schave, director, LCMS Church Planting, and Rev. Peter Burfeind about national mission work. Rev. Burfeind is a domestic missionary serving in campus ministry at the University of Toledo and in the struggling inner city of Toledo, Ohio, at Holy Cross Lutheran Church and Student Ministry.
It may sound cliche, or like a sales job, but does the church need a church planting movement?
“…spur one another on toward love and good deeds...” we are told by the writer of the letter to the Hebrews. Stirring someone on to serve in good deeds is a noble task and can be achieved by the Law. But to the love the unloveable, that can only come from Christ's love for you, and is motivated by the Gospel. And it is only by a living, active faith, in love, that a good deed can truly be called good.
Demographically speaking, the future is bleak for the LCMS. And that is the future that the devil would have us believe.
"Revitalization of the Synod shall come from neither missions nor more synodical power: The Word is the only remedy," said Friedrich Pfotenhauer. When we plant churches, we plant the Word, and with it we bring reformation to the church at large.
If the word ‘missional’ moves us to better serve Christ and our neighbor through a renewed devotion to living out the Gospel and a renewed commitment to answer our call to proclaim it, then it is serving us well.