Albrecht Dürer’s “Virgin and Child with Half a Pear”
An image of Albrecht Dürer's Virgin and Child with Half a Pear

Albrecht Dürer’s “Virgin and Child with Half a Pear”

At first glance, Dürer's Virgin and Child With Half a Pear may simply look like a lovely Renaissance mother holding her baby, but Dürer confesses much more as he paints the flesh, blood, and bone of the Son of God.

Luther’s Hauspostille

Picture yourself sitting in Luther’s house. It’s Sunday, late in the day and many others are gathered with you in the old Augustinian monastery-turned-parsonage in Wittenberg. Around you sits...

Where Does God Reveal Himself?

It’s good for us to meditate on what the church believes, teaches, and confesses about how God reveals himself to his creatures.

Luther on the Incarnation

Our Lord Jesus has two natures, divine and human, in one undivided person. He is fully divine, the eternally begotten Son of God, and fully man, born of the Virgin Mary. And for our justification to be accomplished, He must be both.

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission – January 2018 newsletter

This issue of Reaching Rural America for Christ discusses the importance of the servant leadership role of the pastor in a rural and small-town congregation. The newsletter also includes practical suggestions for how pastors can use the talents and abilities that God has given them to influence the individuals and groups they shepherd.

Smalcald Article Study: Baptism

For this topic, there is really only one question to be considered: What is the importance of this sentence: “Baptism is nothing other than God’s Word in the water, commanded by His institution”?

A Christmas Day Devotion for the Poor Among Us

Apart from God - we are all in the dark, we are all hungry, we are all homeless and alone. And when it comes to being saved by God, we are all beggars with nothing to offer. But God sent His Son to lavish us in the richness of His love and mercy. So my dear friends if you feel unwanted, unloved, unforgiven, lonely and written off by the world as unimportant, then let me just say this – Merry Christmas! God has sent His Son because you are wanted, you are loved, and you are forgiven. You are so precious that God would send His one and only Son to be born, to live, and to die in poverty so that you can have eternal life in glory with Him.

Luther’s Time at the Wartburg

Wartburg Castle was a hunting castle that belonged to the ducal family of Saxony. To the present day, it lies in the Thuringian forest in north-central Germany.

Reformation Theology of Missions

From its beginning, the Reformation was missional; it called forth evangelists to carry the message of the Gospel throughout the world.