LCMS Stewardship Ministry – April 2023 bulletin blurbs and newsletter article
Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin blurbs and newsletter articles each month for congregations to use in church publications.
Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin blurbs and newsletter articles each month for congregations to use in church publications.
“Our LCMS founders said much about pastors and congregations making special efforts to care for people in need. That specific mercy ministry may look different today, but the Scriptures still call us to that concern,” LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison writes in this issue.
Based on its national convention resolutions from 1941 to 2019, the LCMS has compiled a compendium document of the Synod’s action on life-related topics.
Ralph Simon, vice-president of Investment Services for LCMS Foundation, explains why ministries should think in terms of investing for generations.
Make sure your stewardship teaching helps, rather than hurts.
Lydia Steinhaus describes mission work in the Czech Republic and reflects on our God who calls people from all nations to follow Him.
This edition includes photos and stories from recent LCMS Disaster Response efforts, 2023 national convention information and a story about a pastor who is caring for his wife as she suffers from Alzheimer's disease.
Youth and adult sessions recorded at the 2022 LCMS Youth Gathering in Houston, Texas.
LCMS Youth Ministry Staff discuss practices for healthy youth ministry and interview practitioners who provide insight for experienced and new youth leaders.
The CTCR forthrightly asserts that this volume does not change, question or supplant any doctrinal position of the LCMS, including any Synod teaching on contemporary cultural issues such as race or sexuality.
The CTCR considers the use of social media and its impact on life and faith according to seven categories: community, trust, knowledge, influence, identity, temptation and vocation.
This edition includes Lent resources, prayers, lectionary summaries, and 2022–23 Church Year calendars.
These coloring pages will engage your child in the service both physically and visually. Download and print the entire coloring book as a PDF, or each coloring page is also available as a separate PDF.
In this video, the Rev. Justin A. Panzer, president of the LCMS Kansas District, explains the duties of a district president, which include serving as a representative of the Synod president in that place.
Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin blurbs and newsletter articles each month for congregations to use in church publications.