Confess the Holy Trinity with the Athanasian Creed
The Athanasian Creed is commonly confessed on Trinity Sunday. LCMS Worship has produced multiple formats of the creed, including sung and spoken, for congregational use.
The Athanasian Creed is commonly confessed on Trinity Sunday. LCMS Worship has produced multiple formats of the creed, including sung and spoken, for congregational use.
Did you know that Martin Luther composed a setting of the Te Deum Laudamus? Adapted as a hymn from its original tune, Luther's Te Deum is designed to be sung responsively between two groups.
Read about acts of Congress and the Biden administration concerning the definition of marriage and whether federal resources can be used to support abortion.
Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin blurbs and newsletter articles each month for congregations to use in church publications.
Read the third part in a series about the hymn “We Give Thee But Thine Own.”
Lutherans share Christ’s mercy with those in need, whether in rural Nebraska or Lima, Peru.
This edition features an Easter greeting from LCMS President Harrison; a video about what it means to be part of the LCMS; and resources, upcoming events, KFUO podcasts and more.
This edition includes Prayers of the Church, lectionary summaries and 2022–23 Church Year calendars.
Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin blurbs and newsletter articles each month for congregations to use in church publications.
Read the second part in a series about the hymn “We Give Thee But Thine Own.”
The 'So Help Me God' newsletter issue discusses “lost souls” while reminding readers they can share with others the hope and transformation found in Christ.
The new report, which affirms the propositions found in the 1981 CTCR report titled 'Human Sexuality: A Theological Perspective,' addresses issues that have arisen since the original report.
This edition features Martin Luther’s “A Simple Way to Pray” from 1535, a story introducing the Synod’s 2023–2026 National Offering, a feature on the “Nones” and a story about the Lutz family’s missionary service.
This edition includes Holy Week/Easter media kits, an Easter Vigil coloring books, prayers, lectionary summaries, and 2022–23 Church Year calendars.
Read the first part in a series about the hymn “We Give Thee But Thine Own.”