These audio presentations were recorded on Saturday, April 9, 2016, when LCMS Life Ministry hosted a one-day symposium at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

The free event provided resources for congregations and pastors who help families navigate mental-health issues.

Presenters included Dr. Beverly Yahnke, the Rev. Todd Peperkorn, the Rev. Jeffery Pflug and Deaconess Dorothy Krans.

General Overview of Mental Illness

Dr. Beverly Yahnke, executive director for Christian counsel for DOXOLOGY

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A Theological Perspective on Mental Illness

Rev. Todd Peperkorn, pastor of Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Rocklin, Calif.

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Pastoral Care for Those Experiencing Mental Illness

Rev. Jeffery Pflug, pastor of Faith Lutheran Church, Madison, Ind., and LCMS Disability Task Force member

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A Practical Approach to Mental Illness

Deaconess Dorothy Krans, director of LCMS Recognized Service Organizations and LCMS Disability Task Force member

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Discussion panel

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