KFUO Audio: Deaconess Story and Formation

Deaconesses Amanda Van de Kamp and Deaconess Kristin Wassilak talked on Dec. 7 with KFUO Radio’s Andy Bates about becoming and serving as deaconesses in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

KFUO Audio: The Whole Family Matters

Bethesda Lutheran Communities' Mona Fuerstenau says it’s important to involve the whole family of a person with a disability in the journey through life.

KFUO Audio: Aid in Living, Not Dying

Dr. Ken Stevens, spokesperson for the Physician Aid in Living Coalition, talked on Nov. 21 with KFUO Radio host Andy Bates about how euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide conflicts with the vocation of doctor.

KFUO Audio: History of Chaplains in the Military

Chaplain Craig Muehler, director of LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, spoke on Nov. 9 about the role and history of chaplains in the military during a World Lutheran News Digest program with KFUO host Kip Allen.