This customizable family devotions calendar, along with flashcards for practicing memory work, was designed by LCMS Family Ministry to help families spend time together in the Word and in prayer.

Each month focuses on different Scripture memory work. Each day of the week also has its own particular focus; for example, on Mondays, pray the Lord’s Prayer and learn the creeds, on Tuesday practice reciting the Ten Commandments, and so on.

The memory work is intended to be recited each day and even multiple times per day … think in the car, while brushing teeth and especially during devotion time! The prayers can be led by the head of the household, or each family member can take turns praying out loud. This is a great opportunity for children to learn the model for prayer and the reverence of prayer.

LCMS Family Ministry is here to support and encourage you as you pass down the faith to the next generation. Whatever the age or stage of your family may be, spending time together in the Word and in prayer will keep your family firmly rooted and grounded in the One who never changes (Heb. 13:8).

Related Resources

Catechism Memory Cards

Use these memory cards as you help your children learn Scripture and Luther’s Small Catechism

Mealtime Conversation 

Foster good conversations with your family at the dinner table with these conversation starter cards. 

LCMS Family Ministry