Insight and perspective from LCMS leaders
Because these families with women and children are often coming out of a domestic violence situation, we most likely will never meet them for the sake of their safety and anonymity. This is how it should be. It is about them, not us.
In the first two years of Lutheran Young Adult Corps, 29 young people have served almost 35,000 hours. God is using these young people in powerful ways to expand the capacity of urban partners.
Giving fresh produce seems like such a small thing, but it shows appreciation to our church workers. Here are creative ideas for providing a little extra for LCMS workers and their families.
Sometimes the big things of life get the better of us. Sometimes we know we need to make a change, but the magnitude of change crashes in on us.
How are we equipping, encouraging, and enabling the people God has given us to serve and volunteer in His mission?
What unique challenges and gifts in spiritual care come with the clergy marriage?
The LCMS celebrates our treasured volunteers during National Volunteer Month in April 2019. May the Lord bless your service to His Kingdom.
Thanks to God for the selfless volunteers who provide incredible support to LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission and our congregations.
Approximately $65 billion of volunteer effort was given by faithful Christians serving through their church.
Every year, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod sends short-term volunteers to international locations. Read how the “ordinary” skills of volunteers have been put to use to further God’s kingdom around the world.
Volunteering is as much a joyful sacrifice as any philanthropist’s donation, and it showcases the talents and time God has entrusted to the volunteer.
Volunteers make a difference in the lives of many military connected people through the Operation Barnabas program.
We don't need to fulfill any church member’s expectations (real or imagined) of what a pastor’s wife, ministry spouse, pastor, teacher, or other church worker should be. We only need to focus on God, the One who calls us free in the grace of Christ.
The church work family bears burdens and sufferings in a unique way. We have our own sufferings. Christ carries our load with and for us.
Curiosity might kill the cat, but it keeps church workers healthy!