Sola Gratia: Grace Alone

The heart of the Lutheran Church’s beliefs is the doctrine of justification, the teaching of how we are declared righteous in God’s sight.

Why Luther’s Hymns Sound the Way They Do

A composer can never escape his own style, and this is true even of amateur composers such as Martin Luther. Embracing the musical arts in both his schooling and his cloistered life, Luther became a proficient instrumentalist on the lute and the transverse flute.

“From Depths of Woe I Cry to Thee” – Hymn Feature

One of Luther’s earliest compositions was “From Depths of Woe I Cry to Thee,” a paraphrase of Psalm 130 (Aus tiefer Not schrei’ ich zu dir, LSB 607). He wrote this hymn in 1523, around the time that he was revising the Latin Mass.

Bible Stewardship Principles

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod recommends using these Bible Stewardship Principles in guiding education and appeal efforts in Synod congregations, entities, agencies and auxiliaries.

‘My Night of Living Homeless’

In “My Night of Living Homeless,” the Rev. Steve Schave, the LCMS director of Urban & Inner-City Mission, narrates his firsthand experience of living among a group of inner-city homeless people in Cincinnati.