Emotions and the Church
One thing that happens because we are a church body that highly values thinking and learning is that we talk less about our emotions.
One thing that happens because we are a church body that highly values thinking and learning is that we talk less about our emotions.
As we serve the church, we can leave the saving to the One who does it best.
As we serve the church, we can leave the saving to the One who does it best.
We should be asking for help. We all have problems. In this sinful world not a one of us will escape the need for help. We confess it every Sunday in our churches.
God is faithful. He doesn’t leave us. He doesn’t forsake us. He does and will bring help.
We don’t need to holler “Bully! Bully!” at the next voters’ meeting. We are, however, called to acknowledge and call to account behavior that is directly admonished in Scripture.
While we don't necessarily believe in "success" in ministry, how do words like “growth” and “effectiveness” weigh on a church worker, congregation or agency sharing the Gospel?
Many Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod church workers and spouses identified the need for help finding more wellness resources. Here are three helpful tips for finding localized resources.
Wellness and well-being are not distinctly Lutheran ideas, but Lutheranism does have some unique doctrinal concepts that are useful for the pursuit of our wellness.
When we ask for help, we trust in our Helper God and rest in His promises. God doesn’t strike. He doesn’t reject. He keeps our lives. He keeps us from birth until death and each day in between.
Commissioned workers of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod serve as teachers, musicians, discipleship and outreach coordinators, parish nurses, children’s ministers, mentors, youth workers and more.
Rev. Richard Koehneke identifies areas of need for the wellness of pastors, church workers and families of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
You’ve got a call. It’s a big deal. Now it's time to enter the wonderful and hard world of ministry life.
Giving fresh produce seems like such a small thing, but it shows appreciation to our church workers. Here are creative ideas for providing a little extra for LCMS workers and their families.
Sometimes the big things of life get the better of us. Sometimes we know we need to make a change, but the magnitude of change crashes in on us.