Christians in the Creche – Looking at Luther’s Christmas Sermon
Wouldn’t it have been wonderful to be in Bethlehem on that first Christmas?
Wouldn’t it have been wonderful to be in Bethlehem on that first Christmas?
The January 2016 issue of Reaching Rural America for Christ shares insights about how rural congregations are reaching out and connecting to immigrants and refugees in their communities.
In the December 2015 issue of A Pastoral Touch, LCMS Specialized Pastoral Ministry (SPM) discusses the opportunity for rostered ministers engaged in Emergency Services Chaplaincy to be grandparented into SPM.
Rejoice in the second article of the Creed – the heart of the Reformation…
The winter 2015 Free to be Faithful newsletter contains an excerpt from the essay written by one of the four 2015-16 Free to be Faithful Young Adult Ambassadors.
In this issue of So Help Me God from the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, the topic of suicide is discussed. Specifically, insight into suicides among active and inactive military members is highlighted, along with ways to help prevent suicides.
Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod President Matthew C. Harrison introduces Life Together — a monthly digital news digest. Pastor Harrison shares highlights from the LCMS to aid the whole church as we live and work together to proclaim the Gospel and bear Christ’s mercy to one another in our congregations, communities and the world.
Martin Luther once said: “The Epistle to the Galatians is my epistle, to which I have wedded myself. It is my Catherine Von Bora.”
The Rev. Bart Day, executive director of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Office of National Mission, recently discussed the formal dissolution of the Memorandum of Understanding between the LCMS and the Boy Scouts of America.
A Lutheran is not someone who worships Martin Luther; a Lutheran is not someone who subscribes to every word that flowed from Luther’s pen.
Each month, LCMS’ Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin sentences and newsletter articles that can be included in congregational church bulletins and monthly newsletters, respectively.
In the special December issue of the Journal of Lutheran Mission, church leaders from around the world offer insights from a recent International Lutheran Council meeting, discussing how Lutherans are poised to take the Reformation into the world.
The December 2015 issue of Reaching Rural America for Christ recaps the 2015 National RSTM Conference held Nov. 5-7, in Kansas City, Mo., both in words and in pictures. The conference was a success with more than 160 pastors and lay leaders in attendance.
The fourth quarter edition of LCMS Black Ministry’s TimeLine newsletter focuses on how congregations involved in African-American and ethnic ministries are reaching out to their communities.
LCMS Life Ministry’s second-annual Infertility Ethics Symposium was held on Nov. 7 at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.