LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission — May 2016 newsletter

The May 2016 issue of Reaching Rural America for Christ discusses the importance of congregations engaging in strategic planning. While not to be held in priority over worship, prayer and the study of God's Word, strategic planning is of great value to the church in ministerially serving the Gospel.

Reformation Spotlight: Johann Walter

Johann Walter lived through the early and late years of the Lutheran Reformation, and as the “first cantor of the Lutheran Church,” significantly shaped the musical life of the church.

Catechism Study: The Lord’s Prayer

As recorded in Luke 11, the disciples ask Jesus to teach them how to pray, and he does not respond with comments about posture or attitude or sentiment, but with specific words that serve as a foundation on which all Christian prayer is built.

Luther on the Office of the Ministry

To run to the ends of the earth preaching the Gospel is precisely Jesus’ charge to his Apostles (Acts 1:8). Luther writes about them, “Their running, I say, is truly sweet, that is, their ministry is most delightful, not like that of Moses and the prophets. To run means to serve in the office of preacher..."

Life Together with President Harrison – April 2016

President Harrison discusses religious freedom, neighborhood outreach, gay marriage and abortion in this month's video. We will speak the truth and we will do it in love and President Harrison has encouraging words for the church in a time when we have many questions about our future.

LCMS Recognized Service Organizations — Second Quarter 2016 newsletter

This issue of RSO News Update, the quarterly newsletter of LCMS Recognized Service Organizations, features Lutheran Friends of the Deaf, based in Mill Neck, N.Y. Lutheran Friends of the Deaf, which serves nationally and worldwide, is dedicated to caring for individuals who are hearing impaired or have other special needs.

LCMS Life Ministry — Spring 2016 newsletter

In the spring 2016 issue Notes for Life, LCMS Life Ministry provides insight and encouragement into how Christians should join the battlegrounds for life, each one suited with the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6) to fight against the devil’s attacks.

Why Luther’s Hymns Sound the Way They Do

A composer can never escape his own style, and this is true even of amateur composers such as Martin Luther. Embracing the musical arts in both his schooling and his cloistered life, Luther became a proficient instrumentalist on the lute and the transverse flute.

Dürer’s Small Passion: Dawn to Dusk with Christ in Three Panels

In the Small Passion Albrecht Dürer devotes three woodcuts to the Scriptural accounts of Easter day enabling us, with our own eyes, to see holy events as if they are happening right now. He places you, me, and himself as participants in salvation's narrative as he draws us into the resurrection of Christ.

‘Free To Be Faithful’ – Spring 2016 newsletter

The spring 2016 Free To Be Faithful Newsletter contains information about several pending U.S. Supreme Court cases affecting religious liberty, including those impacting the pro-life movement and the Catholic organization Little Sisters of the Poor.