Lutheran Spotlight: Katharina von Bora Luther

The first concrete evidence that we have of von Bora’s life is her entry into the Benedictine cloister at Brehna in 1504. She was placed there by her father for the sake of furthering her education. Later...

Joseph, Guardian of our Lord

There is no doubt that Mary and Joseph and perhaps others with them that had come to know the child were not silent while in Egypt over the great miracle which had occurred with this child.

Life Together with President Harrison – December 2016

As 2016 comes to a close, President Harrison shares encouraging words as we serve our neighbor in this Advent and Christmas season. There is wonderful news out of Madagascar and an exciting opportunity to speak out for life as we join together in good faith with other Christians and non-Christians this January at the March for Life, followed by our Life Conference. And don't miss the new outreach resources available from our various ministries.

Formula of Concord Study: Article VII

The seventh article in the Formula of Concord deals chiefly with the controversy stirred up within the churches of the Lutheran confession by the Sacramentarians.

A Kingdom of the Word and Faith, Part II

The devil hates and attacks the kingdom of grace. He stands in opposition with his weapons of the flesh, sin, and death. Therefore, Jesus wants us to pray that...

Luther’s Letters

Those who have read Luther’s public writings might have a certain perception of what they would expect his other works to look like. However, Luther was also a very prolific writer of private letters.

KFUO Audio: Deaconess Story and Formation

Deaconesses Amanda Van de Kamp and Deaconess Kristin Wassilak talked on Dec. 7 with KFUO Radio’s Andy Bates about becoming and serving as deaconesses in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

KFUO Audio: The Whole Family Matters

Bethesda Lutheran Communities' Mona Fuerstenau says it’s important to involve the whole family of a person with a disability in the journey through life.

Bible Study with Luther: Galatians 5:16-26

In Galatians 5:16-17 St. Paul describes the conflict, within the believer, between the flesh and the Spirit, which are opposed to each other. Luther writes, “When someone becomes aware of this battle of the flesh...