The Summer 2017 Free to be Faithful Newsletter features information on important court cases and religious liberty issues at the forefront this year that have significant implications for the rights of Christians to live faithfully.

For example:

  • Read about the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in Trinity Lutheran Church (LCMS) of Columbia, Mo. v. Comer (formerly Pauley) and its implications for religious liberty. Trinity’s preschool was deemed ineligible for a state grant program solely because the preschool is operated by a church. Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represented Trinity in this historic case, which resulted in a 7-2 ruling in favor of the church preschool.
  • Read about the Rev. Dr. Gregory P. “Greg” Seltz, speaker for “The Lutheran Hour,” who officially accepted the Synod’s call to be the first executive director of the new Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty in Washington, D.C.
  • Read the latest about religious liberty issues affecting Christian service members in our nation’s military and how LCMS military chaplains, the Synod’s Ministry to the Armed Forces and some religious liberty advocates are making a difference.

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