Stewardship Ministry helps congregations grow in their understanding and implementation of a life of stewardship.
In the February 2016 issue of StewardCAST, LCMS Stewardship Ministry discusses how the Lord has given us only one day to use as steward: today. The faithful Christian steward is called to become a faithful steward of today.
On The Sign Of The Cross In Baptism - A Poem by Henry Alford In token that thou shalt not fear Christ crucified to own, We print the Cross upon…
Stewardship Under the Cross: Stewardship for the Confessional Lutheran Parish was written by the Rev. Heath Curtis, the coordinator of LCMS Stewardship Ministry.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod recommends using these Bible Stewardship Principles in guiding education and appeal efforts in Synod congregations, entities, agencies and auxiliaries.
Each month, LCMS’ Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin sentences and newsletter articles that can be included in congregational church bulletins and monthly newsletters, respectively.
Lent is approaching - a time for reflection, repentance, and faith. The following is the Stewardship Thought for Ash Wednesday – you can download Stewardship Thoughts for every week of…
January 13th, one week after Epiphany, is the date the Church celebrates the Baptism of Our Lord. The following is the Stewardship Thought for this celebration. You can download Stewardship…
In the January 2016 issue of StewardCAST, LCMS Stewardship Ministry highlights how important it is for individuals and congregations to be good stewards of life.
Each month, LCMS’ Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin sentences and newsletter articles that can be included in congregational church bulletins and monthly newsletters, respectively.
Each month, LCMS’ Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin sentences and newsletter articles that can be included in congregational church bulletins and monthly newsletters, respectively.
In the December 2015 issue of StewardCAST, LCMS Stewardship Ministry highlights the need for individuals and congregations to be good stewards of time.
The church has an opportunity to grow in generosity by providing funds for a similar meal packing event that will take place at the 2016 LCMS Youth Gathering.
In the November 2015 issue of StewardCAST, LCMS Stewardship Ministry reminds readers that, in the realm of Christian stewardship, both the pastor and the people are intricately linked in the teaching, learning and practice of it.
Each month, LCMS’ Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin sentences and newsletter articles that can be included in congregational church bulletins and monthly newsletters, respectively.
In the October 2015 issue of StewardCAST, LCMS Stewardship Ministry reminds readers that we, as God’s children, are surrounded by lessons in stewardship each day.