Quick reference guide and resources in times of disaster
LCMS Disaster Response offers resources to help congregations and laypeople prepare for disasters and provide spiritual and physical care to those affected by a tragedy.
LCMS Disaster Response offers resources to help congregations and laypeople prepare for disasters and provide spiritual and physical care to those affected by a tragedy.
LCMS congregations may host Lutheran Early Response Team training for individuals in their area to assist with disaster response, and resources are available to help those in need.
Congregations of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod may host Disaster Response training for individuals in their area to join a Lutheran Early Response Team. LERT is a network of volunteers trained to respond in times of disaster.
One of the most frequent questions I get is "Can we take our youth group to LERT training?" And my response is always "Certainly, but we can't certify minors." Then I tell them ways to get their youth involved in Disaster Response in their congregation but I always get the same response.
Last week we talked about the issues of communication that happen in a massive disaster response network like LERT. We also announced our upcoming conference where you can learn all…
Have you ever been struck by images of disaster so much that you just wanted to hop in your car and lend a helping hand? You may want to rethink that. Here are three reasons why Self-deploying might be more harmful than helpful