Ministry to the Armed Forces: ensuring pastoral care for our military members

LCMS chaplains serve our Lord, His church and our nation with courage and integrity, as they provide pastoral care and support to those who defend our nation. Through efforts like Operation Barnabas, the Ministry to the Armed Forces provides training and guidance to local congregations to care for and to support to our military members, their families and veterans in our local communities.

Bible Study With Luther: Galatians 4:1-7

“Am I really saved? Am I doing enough? Will God even recognize my good works on Judgment Day?” These sorts of questions are born out of the Law, which always demands and never gives.

National Mission: planting, revitalizing LCMS churches across America

Leaders of the Synod’s Office of National Mission and district presidents discuss domestic mission efforts like Mission Field: USA and Re: Vitality – ongoing efforts to bring the Gospel to urban, rural and multiethnic communities while also revitalizing struggling congregations.

Christ and the Office of the Holy Ministry

The confession of the person and work of Jesus Christ—His justification of sinful humanity—forms the heart of theology, and informs all of the Church’s confession and practice.

Surviving Loss

This presentation will address loss from a broader perspective — not just loss from death. The parish nurse will benefit from this discussion about losses due to changing health, lost work, loss of material possessions and all losses that are common to human existence.

“We All Believe in One True God” – Hymn Feature

As the basis for “We All Believe in One True God,” Martin Luther used the first two lines of a single-stanza German medieval hymn first found with Latin and German words in 1417 and expanded it to three stanzas—individually paraphrasing each of the three articles of the creed.

LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces – Third Quarter 2016 newsletter

In this issue of So Help Me God from the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, the topic of serving our neighbors when they are hurting is discussed. Suggestions as to what we should say and do at these times are shared. In addition, advice on how to uphold the Eighth Commandment on Facebook is given.

The Ninety-Five Theses

In the 95 Theses, Luther’s response to indulgences was several fold. First, it must be understood that at this point Luther’s teaching on justification was not completely developed and so at first he did not reject the very idea of indulgences, as he later would. Instead, Luther argued that...

Formula of Concord Study: Articles I and II

The Confessions are not just a history book of what was once at stake for true Lutheran confession, but they are also a description of what is still at stake for true Lutheran confession.

The Presentation of the Augsburg Confession

The Augsburg Confession is comprised 28 articles. Of these articles, 21 represent a positive presentation of the Christian faith as taught in the Lutheran Churches while the last seven article cover suggested reforms of certain practices of the medieval Church.