Studying God’s Word: Meditatio

For most of us, meditation seems to be antithetical to orthodox Christianity. We associate it with techniques like deep breathing, posture, and the recitation of words without content.

God’s Passionate Love

Reverend John A. Fale, Executive Director of the LCMS Office of International Mission, preached this homily in the International Center Chapel August 5, 2016

God’s Mercy in Madagascar

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17

Studying God’s Word: Oratio

Oratio, Mediatatio, Tentatio. Prayer, meditation, and the struggle against the flesh and Satan. Through these means, God makes a theologian.

Unanimous Support for Disaster Response!

It's not often that the synod in convention approves something unanimously but this year at convention there was overwhelming support and praise for the work of LCMS Disaster Response. Although when you see the stats it's easy to see why. Take a look at the resolution.

Guilt and Forgiveness and the Effect on Health

This presentation will explore how guilt and forgiveness affect a person’s health. The parish nurse will better understand how to encourage individuals to forgive others and to appreciate the forgiveness they have received. Both forgiving and being forgiven have a positive influence on health and wellness.

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission — August 2016 newsletter

The August 2016 issue of Reaching Rural America for Christ emphasizes how we, as God’s ambassadors, sometimes hesitate, procrastinate and flat out wander from the task of delivering the good news of Christ crucified to all humanity.

LCMS Stewardship Ministry – July 2016 newsletter

In the July 2016 issue of StewardCAST, LCMS Stewardship Ministry highlights that stewardship, when it is taught from the position of the Scriptures and Confessions, becomes not about the ask but all about the thank you.

LCMS Life Ministry — Summer 2016 newsletter

In the summer 2016 issue Notes for Life, LCMS Life Ministry encourages Christians to embrace our pro-life identity. In His every action, God has shown us that He is for life, even in its most broken state. Because God has created us in His image and sent His Son to redeem us, we are pro-life.

The Apology of the Augsburg Confession

The presentation of the Augsburg Confession was a foundational moment in the Lutheran Church. On June 25, 1530, the confession of the Lutheran estates of the Holy Roman Empire was read before Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Augsburg.

Reformation Rock Video

Teach Reformation history with a catchy tune that helps the facts stick in students’ minds! With Reformation Rock, students learn the entire story of the Reformation.