Tis the Season to Sing

I’m noticing the music of the Christmas season this year as I reflect on music and the role of music in youth ministry.

Life Together with President Harrison – December 2015

Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod President Matthew C. Harrison introduces Life Together — a monthly digital news digest. Pastor Harrison shares highlights from the LCMS to aid the whole church as we live and work together to proclaim the Gospel and bear Christ’s mercy to one another in our congregations, communities and the world.

Journal of Lutheran Mission – December 2015

In the special December issue of the Journal of Lutheran Mission, church leaders from around the world offer insights from a recent International Lutheran Council meeting, discussing how Lutherans are poised to take the Reformation into the world.

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission — December 2015 newsletter

The December 2015 issue of Reaching Rural America for Christ recaps the 2015 National RSTM Conference held Nov. 5-7, in Kansas City, Mo., both in words and in pictures. The conference was a success with more than 160 pastors and lay leaders in attendance.

Thank the Lord and Sing His Praise!

It’s that time of year again, time to give thanks for the many blessings in our lives. As God's people, daily we have ample opportunity to give thanks to God for His rich blessings.