It’s that time of year again, time to give thanks for the many blessings in our lives. As God’s people, daily we have ample opportunity to give thanks to God for His rich blessings. For all His gifts to support our body on earth and His gracious promise of eternal life, we thank our Heavenly Father!

In LCMS Youth Ministry, we give thanks for how God continues to call and enlighten young people in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We pause to highlight just a few things from the past year:
- Social media posts from across the LCMS of young people confirming their faith in Christ
- Hearing from congregations who walk together, generation by generation, feeding their hunger for continued learning about Jesus Christ and the one true faith
- Youth who courageously stand in Christ and display love and truth in vocational service
- Thousands of pastors, deaconesses, DCEs, teachers, and other church workers who invest their time, energy, and gifts in nurturing young people and their families in the love of Jesus
- Thousands of volunteer youth ministry practitioners who juggle multiple vocational responsibilities including caring for young people in their congregation and community
- Another class of pastors, church workers, and Lutheran school teachers who completed their studies at our Concordia Universities and Seminaries
- Registration open for the 2016 Youth Gathering and eager anticipation in coming together in New Orleans in July 2016, “In Christ Alone”
In this season of thanks and giving, we also remember people around us who may not have necessities of food and home. I give thanks for the generosity of the LCMS community in supporting the Youth Gathering WeRaise campaign to provide 100,000 meals for those in need. These meals will be packed by young people at the LCMS Youth Gathering and distributed in Louisiana and to others in need.

This crowdfunding initiative was a new adventure for us in Gathering planning as we desire to increase the impact of the Gathering for the benefit of others. LCMS young people have a great capacity to care for their neighbor, both near and far. We look forward to them completing the work the church has graciously funded. I give thanks for the support of LCMS young people and congregational members, LCMS leadership, Youth Gathering planners, Community Life Builders, Young Adult Volunteers, the Concordia University System network, and Wheat Ridge.
As I write this, we are so close to our goal of $25,000 raised! We sit at $22,542(90%) with 235 supporters! I give thanks for the church’s response to the love found in Christ alone. To God be the glory!
Have a blessed Thanksgiving celebration!