The March 2025 edition of the Life Together News Digest includes:

  • A video from LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison on loss and celebration after our heavenly Father called home former LCMS Vice-President Rev. Dr. Paul L. Maier and former LCMS President Rev. Dr. Robert T. Kuhn;
  • A video with President Harrison going through Matthew’s account of Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness;
  • A photo gallery of LCMS congregations during Lent;
  • A Reporter story on the 2025 National March for Life in Washington, D.C.;
  • Lutheran Witness features on how Christians should live in the “negative world” and on Lenten traditions to try with your family;
  • A Lutherans Engage the World story on Persian migrants in Europe finding forgiveness and an eternal home in Jesus Christ;
  • KFUO Radio podcasts on Lutheran Mission – Australia and on the Smalcald Articles;
  • Lent, Holy Week and Easter media kits;
  • A family devotions calendar and psalm devotional sheets; and
  • Upcoming events, official notices and more.

Life Together News Digest

Life Together, a monthly email news digest from LCMS President Matthew C. Harrison, features highlights from Synod publications and multimedia outlets. There is something for pastors, church workers and laity.