“Who are you?”
“I’m a child of God, loved and saved by Jesus!”
These words are repeated regularly at Trinity Lutheran School in Freistadt, Wis., but they should also be the constant, joyful refrain of every Christian.
The September 2022 issue of Sharing gives a glimpse of how Lutherans around the world are sharing the Good News of their Savior, Jesus, while also caring for the people God has placed in their path:
- In Freistadt, Wis., Trinity teaches a diverse student body about reading, writing, arithmetic and their identity in Christ.
- In Hong Kong, the members of the Yung Shing Mission Station have continued to reach out to their neighbors despite the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Finally, LCMS President Matthew C. Harrison relays a story about how a farmer in Nebraska inspired him to treasure Luther’s Small Catechism even more deeply and to share it with others.
“God’s love is demonstrated most wondrously in the cross of Jesus who, precisely in the struggle of a violent crucifixion and death, worked forgiveness, life and salvation,” Harrison writes. “And that’s why we love all people, especially the neighbor God places right in front of us.”