Reformation Hymn: “Though All Our Life Is Like a Scroll”

The beautiful hymn, winner of our Reformation Hymn competition, truly embodies the Reformation 2017 theme “It’s Still All About Jesus.” Author Rev. Dr. Wilfred L. Karsten made special use of the word “still” throughout his five-verse hymn text.

Feed My Lambs – Bible Study

The purpose of the five-session study is to explore how members of the body of Christ demonstrate love and compassion to people in need as an expression of faith.

LCMS Worship – Suggestions for midweek Lenten services – 2016

It is a worthy practice to devote time during the season of Lent to meditate extensively upon the Passion of our Lord. The following suggestions are framed around the reading of the Passion according to St. Luke, combined with an Old Testament reading emphasis upon God’s vindication of “the innocent sufferer.”

Thanksgiving Day Litany and Grace

LCMS Worship suggests the following Thanksgiving Day Litany and Grace for blessing the Thanksgiving table at home. Download the litany and grace below, and you may print a copy for each place setting.

A Midweek Advent Service

For pastors looking for propers for midweek Advent services, LCMS Worship suggests the following. It is an Advent series drawn from the table on Page 159 of The Lutheran Hymnal.

Prayers for Rogate Sunday

For those churches who use the historic series, and particularly churches in rural areas, this download will be a blessing for Rogate Sunday on May 10, 2015. It is an order for seeking God’s blessing on the fields from which our food comes.

The Persecuted Church: Suggested Propers for the Divine Service

Given the recent and growing number of Christians killed for the sake of Christ, a congregation might wish to receive the comfort of a Divine Service that specifically meditates upon and intercedes for those persecuted brothers and sisters. LCMS Worship offers the following propers as an aid toward that end.