Of Treasures and Hearts

Lent is approaching - a time for reflection, repentance, and faith. The following is the Stewardship Thought for Ash Wednesday – you can download Stewardship Thoughts for every week of…

Embrace Technology when Confirming the Faith

Technology provides churches with a vast array of resources that, when used with deliberate care, can extend limited instruction time into the home and directly to the hands of students and families. In today's tech driven world, consider how technology can expand the teaching of God’s Word into digital spaces.

Flooding in my hometown

When a disaster hits your own town, your life is turned upside down in a tailspin of events. This is exactly what happened to me.

Service Learning for Confirmation

Christ took the form of a servant, so we, too, should become servants to others. What students learn in Confirmation should motivate them towards a life that reflects God’s love. Here are three reasons service learning benefits Confirmation.

Stewardship Thought for the Baptism of Our Lord

January 13th, one week after Epiphany, is the date the Church celebrates the Baptism of Our Lord. The following is the Stewardship Thought for this celebration. You can download Stewardship…

Checking the Oil: The Case for the Unrestricted Gift

We are beginning to overtly encourage God’s people to consider giving an annual unrestricted (undesignated) donation to the LCMS. I’ve been told that I’m off my rocker for even thinking about doing this. So, why do it?

Arise and Shine in Splendor

Often, the physical healing that we provide opens a door for sharing the Gospel. We don't always see it happen--mostly it happens long after the team is gone, through the local church partner who diligently follows up with those who were treat at our clinic.

Bible Study with Luther: Galatians 1:6-20

The Reformation was not only about asserting what is true, but also rejecting that which is false. St. Paul’s passionate epistle to the Galatians is born out of his assertion of the Gospel and his defiance of false teaching.

What is a “Young Adult”?

Who are we talking about when we say “young adults”? Defining the phrase can be difficult but help us to in sharing the Gospel.

The Virtue of Charity

During the Christmas season, the call for charity rings every time we step out of a store into the din of the bells of the Salvation Army.