Insight and perspective from LCMS leaders

Service Learning for Confirmation

Christ took the form of a servant, so we, too, should become servants to others. What students learn in Confirmation should motivate them towards a life that reflects God’s love. Here are three reasons service learning benefits Confirmation.

Stewardship Thought for the Baptism of Our Lord

January 13th, one week after Epiphany, is the date the Church celebrates the Baptism of Our Lord. The following is the Stewardship Thought for this celebration. You can download Stewardship…

Checking the Oil: The Case for the Unrestricted Gift

We are beginning to overtly encourage God’s people to consider giving an annual unrestricted (undesignated) donation to the LCMS. I’ve been told that I’m off my rocker for even thinking about doing this. So, why do it?

Arise and Shine in Splendor

Often, the physical healing that we provide opens a door for sharing the Gospel. We don't always see it happen--mostly it happens long after the team is gone, through the local church partner who diligently follows up with those who were treat at our clinic.

What is a “Young Adult”?

Who are we talking about when we say “young adults”? Defining the phrase can be difficult but help us to in sharing the Gospel.

Tis the Season to Sing

I’m noticing the music of the Christmas season this year as I reflect on music and the role of music in youth ministry.

Thank the Lord and Sing His Praise!

It’s that time of year again, time to give thanks for the many blessings in our lives. As God's people, daily we have ample opportunity to give thanks to God for His rich blessings.

Summer in the City

LCMS Urban & Inner City Mission had the privilege to help support four summer urban vicarages in an effort to train up future urban missionaries. This included Martini Lutheran, Baltimore, MD; Bethlehem, Fort Wayne, IN; First Trinity, Pittsburgh, PA; and Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries, Springfield, PA.

The Final Judgment

What sort of King is this? Who would set aside the riches of His heavenly Kingdom to step into my poverty... who set aside his royal diadem for a crown of thorns, who hung naked from a tree to robe me in His righteousness, who shed His blood and poured Himself out that every drop would be a payment for my sins... What sort of King is this? He is the king of mercy!

Living Generously Together

The church has an opportunity to grow in generosity by providing funds for a similar meal packing event that will take place at the 2016 LCMS Youth Gathering.

Abide With Me–Permanece Conmigo

Be watching for upcoming projects and opportunities for Health Ministry in Latin and South America, and please pray for the growing Lutheran churches in Chile, Argentina, the Dominican Republic, and the rest of Latin and South America.