Missionary Prayer Cards
Downloadable prayer cards are easy-to-print documents with background information, prayer requests, and giving information for missionary families and individuals serving the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Downloadable prayer cards are easy-to-print documents with background information, prayer requests, and giving information for missionary families and individuals serving the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has assembled a large online collection of papers, articles, and information on life issues.
Provides a timely theological response and reflection for teenagers, young adults and grown adults.
This devotional prayer book will help victims give voice to their heavenly Father in the midst of heartache and despair.
Listen to audio presentations from our 2017 Life Conference, themed Life 360°, held in Washington, D.C.
Written to accompany the video for Erin Bode’s song “Right from the Beginning,” this Bible study teaches the truth of life as a gift from God, while facing the reality of our sinful condition, all in light of God’s love in Christ Jesus.
Heritage Foundation senior research fellow Dr. Ryan Anderson speaks to LCMS convention delegates about the Supreme Court’s 2015 redefinition of marriage and its implications for Americans and the church.
Would you like to learn how to invite, welcome and receive people to your church? The Connect to Disciple workshop, the first module in the re:Vitality program, is designed to help your congregation develop effective outreach.
Teach Reformation history with a catchy tune that helps the facts stick in students’ minds! With Reformation Rock, students learn the entire story of the Reformation.
Concordia University System (CUS) President Rev. Dr. Dean Wenthe explains the Christ-centered tenets of CUS schools as well as the unique learning and worship opportunities available for CUS students nationwide.
These audio presentations were recorded on Saturday, April 9, 2016, when LCMS Life Ministry hosted a one-day symposium at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
This video presentation will help the parish nurse recognize the difference between Law and Gospel and apply them correctly in interactions with individuals and groups.
Dr. Nagel reflects on the comfort that comes from the means of grace delivering God’s promises to us in certainty. This video interview was filmed in the lovely chapel of Laclede Groves right after Easter, 2014.
Learn how to chant the Exsultet and the Preface for the Great Vigil of Easter! Listen here to Pr. Sean Daenzer as he chants it for you.