LCMS Stewardship Ministry – April 2014 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Stewardship Ministry, insight is provided into the importance of “preparing the soil for a stewardship harvest” within congregations. This preparation starts with Word of God and is based on the work of the Holy Spirit. With both of these tools to call upon, faithful stewardship in congregations will be given from the Lord.

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission – April 2014 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Rural & Small Town Mission (RSTM), sowing seeds in fields during the spring, as farmers do, is discussed in light of how God gifts us with opportunities to sow the seeds of His love in the world in which we live. In addition, general information about the ongoing Engaging Your Community (EYC) events and free monthly webinars is communicated.

LCMS Stewardship Ministry – March 2014 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Stewardship Ministry, insight is provided into the importance of having healthy and balanced implicit and explicit ministry goals when it comes to stewardship, for an individual and for an entire congregation. They need to work together so that all of life and life’s resources are used in faithful service to the Lord.

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission – March 2014 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Rural & Small Town Mission (RSTM), information is shared about a one-day Bible camp that was held August 2013 and the partnership of three rural churches to coordinate the entire event. In addition, general information about the ongoing Engaging Your Community (EYC) events and free monthly webinars is communicated.

LCMS Stewardship Ministry – February 2014 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Stewardship Ministry, insight is provided into the importance of having resources (“tools”) within a congregation to instruct people on stewardship. But more than that, readers are reminded that having faithful craftsmen within congregations who know how to apply God’s Word in stewardship is even more essential.

Audio: The Dark Side of Emerging Adulthood

LCMS Young Adult Ministry interviews “Lost in Transition: The Dark Side of Emerging Adulthood” authors, Dr. Patricia Herzog and Hilary Davidson. They share their findings from the National Study of Youth and Religion.

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission – February 2014 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Rural & Small Town Mission (RSTM), insight is provided into how a congregation can make visitors in their church feel welcome and respected. These actions can then lead a congregation to play a more integral role in the life of its surrounding community.

Feast of the Purification of Mary

Pastors, this is one of the feasts that (sadly!) tends to be mostly observed only when it falls on Sunday, as it does this year. That means that many are tempted to speak the unfamiliar Proper Preface. If you’d like a little practice learning to sing it, listen here to Pr. Sean Daenzer as he sings it for you.