LCMS Stewardship Ministry – December 2015 newsletter
In the December 2015 issue of StewardCAST, LCMS Stewardship Ministry highlights the need for individuals and congregations to be good stewards of time.
In the December 2015 issue of StewardCAST, LCMS Stewardship Ministry highlights the need for individuals and congregations to be good stewards of time.
LCMS Worship suggests the following Advent Devotion for use at home. Family members may take turns reading the prophesy for each day from Nov. 29 to Christmas Eve.
LCMS Worship suggests the following Thanksgiving Day Litany and Grace for blessing the Thanksgiving table at home. Download the litany and grace below, and you may print a copy for each place setting.
Rev. William Weedon, Director of LCMS Worship, offers a rad idea: Why not do the liturgy in the hymnal with all the Propers this Christmas?
The following hymn suggestions are offered for Series C during 2015-16.
In the November 2015 issue of StewardCAST, LCMS Stewardship Ministry reminds readers that, in the realm of Christian stewardship, both the pastor and the people are intricately linked in the teaching, learning and practice of it.
The Fall 2015 issue of the Parish Nurse Newsletter focuses on the importance of lifelong learning for parish nurses.
Each month, LCMS’ Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin sentences and newsletter articles that can be included in congregational church bulletins and monthly newsletters, respectively.
The following list is offered with the intent that the people of God not only hear the Word as proclaimed in the readings and the sermon, but also join in the proclamation of each Sunday or feast.
Authors Cheryl Swope and Rachel Whiting address home education in the context of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
The November 2015 issue of Reaching Rural America for Christ shares the story of Vicar Steve Struecker’s journey through the Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) program and how he helps bring the Gospel to struggling churches in rural Iowa.
Through Nagel, his students learned of Christ and the innumerable gifts He gives. This book of scholarly essays allows others to learn from the professor as well.
For pastors looking for propers for midweek Advent services, LCMS Worship suggests the following. It is an Advent series drawn from the table on Page 159 of The Lutheran Hymnal.
World Lutheran News Digest host Kip Allen talked with Stephanie Neugebauer, the new director of LCMS Life and Health Ministries, on Oct. 17 on Worldwide KFUO Radio.
In the October 2015 issue of StewardCAST, LCMS Stewardship Ministry reminds readers that we, as God’s children, are surrounded by lessons in stewardship each day.