Hymn Suggestions: Series A (2016-17)
LCMS Worship provides Series A hymn suggestions for the 2016-17 church year.
LCMS Worship provides Series A hymn suggestions for the 2016-17 church year.
This issue of RSO News Update, the quarterly newsletter of LCMS Recognized Service Organizations, features the Lutheran Home in Wauwatosa, Wis. Staff members shower Lutheran Home residents with God’s love by giving them prayer shawls.
Books are like buildings. Think of them as constructed with words and thoughts rather than with bricks and mortar.
“Tender loving care” is the hallmark of the art of nursing. LCMS parish nurses are no different except we provide TLCC – tender loving Christian care.
The Rev. Mark Wood, director of LCMS Witness & Outreach Ministry, presented a webinar titled “What Is Revitalization and What Does It Mean for My Church?” on Oct. 13, 2016.
Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, Rev. Dr. Mark Woods presents a free webinar on “re:Vitality — New Life for Long-Established Ministries.”
The Fall 2016 issue of the Free To Be Faithful Newsletter features information on important court cases and related issues at the forefront this year having significant implications for the rights of Christians to live faithfully.
Luther said, “The cross alone is our theology.” Another way to say this is Solus Christus, or “Christ alone” saves us.
In chapter 4 of Galatians, St. Paul uses Sarah and Hagar to illustrate that salvation comes not by works of the law, but according to the promise of God. In the final verse...
As the sixteenth century dawned, there were essentially three answers given to the question: who rules the Church?
As the sixteenth century dawned, there were essentially three answers given to the question: who rules the Church?
This devotional booklet is intended for anyone who is suffering from the brokenness of this world. Whether you have been affected by a natural disaster or other trauma, whether your life is extraordinary or you are struggling with normal stress, this is a devotional booklet for you.
This presentation will provide insights into the blessings and challenges that older adults experience, in addition to the blessings and challenges that parish nurses may experience in serving older adults.
Trusting in His Love - Even when we don't understand what's going on around us.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin sentences and newsletter articles each month for congregations to use in church publications.