Kingdom of the Right: Luther on the Church

Simply put, the kingdom of the right is the Church, both in earth and heaven. In Luther’s On Temporal Authority, the reformer refers to this as “the kingdom of God.”

Formula of Concord Study: Article VI

Even during Luther’s lifetime, a strong “antinomian” (against the Law) spirit had risen up among certain theologians who claimed that, once the Gospel regenerates the heart, the Law is no longer needed.

Lutheran Spotlight: Philipp Nicolai

If you are a Lutheran, chances are that the music of Philipp Nicolai has delighted your ears and his words have flowed joyfully from your tongue.

“Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word” – Hymn Feature

Luther’s Reformation hymn, “Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word” (LSB 655) is one of his best known compositions. When it was published in 1542, it appeared with the subtitle, “A Children’s Hymn, to be Sung Against the Two Archenemies of Christ and His Holy Church, the Pope and Turk.”[1]

Brief Advent Table Devotions: 2016

LCMS Worship suggests the following Advent devotions for use at home. Family members may take turns reading the prophesy for each day from Nov. 27 to Christmas Eve.