LCMS Stewardship Ministry – January 2017 newsletter
How we manage our bodies, our lives within our families and our lives with the Lord is a matter of how we steward the Gospel.
How we manage our bodies, our lives within our families and our lives with the Lord is a matter of how we steward the Gospel.
The manual offers a step-by-step approach from forming a core group to becoming a fully established congregation in the LCMS.
This month President Harrison shares news about our universities, the demographic decline of our Synod, the March for Life, Ministry to the Armed Forces and much more.
Arguably the most opaque passage of the Creed is that Christ descended into hell. The passage is based on Scripture, but these scriptural passages (e.g., 1 Peter 3) lend themselves to multiple interpretations...
The first thing to note about the interacting with the gospels is that the each has to do with the Gospel.
Based on Psalm 45, the hymn quickly became extremely popular in Germany and was used for a variety of occasions. The tune is believed to be a reconstruction of “Jauchzet dem Herren, alle lande,” Psalm 100, included in Wolff Köphel’s Psalter (1538).
DiLeone will share her experiences as a daughter who shared the journey through Alzheimer’s disease with her mother.
Faces, hands, and books swirl around the divine Child in Albrecht Dürer's oil painting Christ Among the Doctors. The artist's rendition of Luke 2:41-52 is far from a typical, placid, generic temple scene!
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin sentences and newsletter articles each month for congregations to use in church publications.
The most enduring symbol of the Lutheran Reformation is the seal that Luther himself designed to represent his theology. By the early 1520s, this seal begins to appear on the title page of Luther’s works.
The January 2017 newsletter from LCMS Rural and Small Town Mission provides guidance on how to teach the faith to the youth of a congregation.
Following in the footsteps of St. Paul, Luther and the Reformers sought true peace and unity in the Church through the pure proclamation of the Gospel.
In the December 2016 issue of StewardCAST, LCMS Stewardship Ministry shares information about barriers to being a faithful steward and the ways these blockades can be removed.
Both historically- and theologically-speaking, seeing these two articles together is proper and useful. They almost serve as “A and B” of the same conversation, two sides of the same coin.
“Glory to God in the Highest” is the first Christmas carol. It was sung by the angels to the shepherds on the night when Jesus was born (Luke 2:14). But Christmas is not the only time that we sing “Glory to God in the Highest.”