The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod offers resources for planning worship services.

LCMS Interview with Dr. Norman Nagel

Dr. Nagel reflects on the comfort that comes from the means of grace delivering God’s promises to us in certainty. This video interview was filmed in the lovely chapel of Laclede Groves right after Easter, 2014.

Feast of the Purification of Mary

Pastors, this is one of the feasts that (sadly!) tends to be mostly observed only when it falls on Sunday, as it does this year. That means that many are tempted to speak the unfamiliar Proper Preface. If you’d like a little practice learning to sing it, listen here to Pr. Sean Daenzer as he sings it for you.

A meditation for Epiphany

The Rev. Will Weedon, LCMS director of Worship and LCMS International Center chaplain, offers a meditation for Epiphany from Is. 60:1-6, Eph. 2:1-12 and Matt. 2:1-12.

A meditation for Christmas Eve

The Rev. Will Weedon, LCMS director of Worship and LCMS International Center chaplain, offers a meditation for Christmas Eve.

The Kalends for Christmas

The following were anciently read on Christmas Day in the Daily Office, but they may also serve as an introduction to the Divine Service on Christmas Day, read by the pastor from the entrance to the nave and leading directly into “O Come All Ye Faithful” as the processional hymn.

Keeping Advent

The Rev. Larry Peters of Grace Lutheran Church, Clarksville, Tenn., encourages the Church to avoid being like a theme park and to slow down and keep the focus on Christ this Advent season.

The Liturgy of Baptism & Daily Prayer Offices

Four interviews with the Rev. William Weedon, director of Worship and International Center chaplain, on "The Liturgy of Holy Baptism" as well as eight interviews on "The Daily Prayer Offices." These two series delve deeply into the history, practice and theology of the Church's liturgies of Baptism and Prayer.