Commission on Theology and Church Relations library
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) document library includes reports, statements, evaluations, and opinions.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) document library includes reports, statements, evaluations, and opinions.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod's Commission on Theology and Church Relations has issued reports, opinions, and Bible studies on the Lutheran view of church and state, racism, immigration, gambling, capital punishment, and the care of creation.
The LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations shares minority opinions from members on CTCR reports about racism, civic event participation, lay teachers of theology, and the Divine Call.
The LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations provides staff responses to CTCR reports on topics including racism, homosexuality, and the service of women in the church.
Racism grounds the identity and security of human life not in the God who alone is our Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier, but in self. Racism is a sin against the First Commandment because it fails to receive other human beings as gifts from God.