We have all the volunteers we need
How are we equipping, encouraging, and enabling the people God has given us to serve and volunteer in His mission?
How are we equipping, encouraging, and enabling the people God has given us to serve and volunteer in His mission?
The LCMS celebrates our treasured volunteers during National Volunteer Month in April 2019. May the Lord bless your service to His Kingdom.
Thanks to God for the selfless volunteers who provide incredible support to LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission and our congregations.
Approximately $65 billion of volunteer effort was given by faithful Christians serving through their church.
Every year, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod sends short-term volunteers to international locations. Read how the “ordinary” skills of volunteers have been put to use to further God’s kingdom around the world.
Volunteering is as much a joyful sacrifice as any philanthropist’s donation, and it showcases the talents and time God has entrusted to the volunteer.
Volunteers make a difference in the lives of many military connected people through the Operation Barnabas program.
We are celebrating the service of volunteers in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Wouldn't it be great to have more volunteers to celebrate? Here are some ideas to get more people involved ... and people more involved.
Thank you to all of the LCMS Disaster Response volunteers. The amount of support you have offered continues to be astonishing. To those of you who are just now learning about volunteer opportunities, come and join us. You’ll be amazed what is possible.
Volunteers serving in Poland, Malawi, Madagascar, and Tanzania share their stories of serving in the international mission field.
In our inaugural year, Lutheran Young Adult Corps participants will complete over 19,000 hours of service to help Community Partners reach out with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through acts of mercy.
We give thanks to God for the incredible support He gives to us through our volunteers.