KFUO Audio: Deaconess Story and Formation

Deaconesses Amanda Van de Kamp and Deaconess Kristin Wassilak talked on Dec. 7 with KFUO Radio’s Andy Bates about becoming and serving as deaconesses in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

KFUO Audio: Interview with Rev. Jeffrey Dock about Options for Women

KFUO Radio’s Andy Bates and Rev. Jeffrey Dock – pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Louisiana, Mo., and president of Options for Women – discuss the new pregnancy resource center in Bowling Green, Mo. The center, which opened on May 2, serves Bowling Green and surrounding counties in northeast Missouri.

Long Term Disaster Response Is Not Glamorous

The fact is that long term rebuilding is difficult and is not glamorous. However, LCMS Disaster Response is committed to helping communities rebuild for up to three years after a disaster has torn apart lives and homes. LCMS congregations are anchors in their community. They serve as a lighthouse of the Gospel and they can be a mercy center for helping others in a time of need.