Podcast: God’s Mission Here
God’s Mission Here spotlights the work that God is doing through His people… and this work is closer to home than you might expect!
God’s Mission Here spotlights the work that God is doing through His people… and this work is closer to home than you might expect!
The Lutheran Witness provides readings of all the articles posted on LW website. The Lutheran Witness is an official periodical of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
In the “Friends for Life” podcast from LCMS Life Ministry, hear from life leaders and others who are speaking up about and living out the sanctity of human life.
Youth and adult sessions recorded at the 2022 LCMS Youth Gathering in Houston, Texas.
LCMS Youth Ministry Staff discuss practices for healthy youth ministry and interview practitioners who provide insight for experienced and new youth leaders.
It’s a window into missionary life. As our missionaries talk about their experiences, savor the uniqueness of the places in which God has called them to serve — while finding common ground with their role and service.
Liturgy recordings from the Lutheran Service Book for pastors and church musicians.
Deaconesses and deaconess students with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod discussed their recent mercy expedition to Peru with KFUO Radio host Andy Bates.
Kim Glassman's birth mother put her up for adoption with a caring family. She shares her life story with KFUO Radio host Kip Allen.
Media Research Center writer Katie Yoder and KFUO Radio host Kip Allen discuss how the 2017 March for Life was covered by the mainstream media.
LCMS Communications team members Deaconess Pam Nielsen, Dr. Kevin Armbrust and Erik Lunsford discuss their experiences after attending the 2017 March for Life on Jan. 27 in Washington, D.C.
Listen to audio presentations from our 2017 Life Conference, themed Life 360°, held in Washington, D.C.
Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Rev. Phil Zielinski and his wife, Sara, in 2010 adopted five girls from the country of Columbia, and he discusses their "Eyes of Life" story during an interview with KFUO Radio host Andy Bates.
Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod leaders share enlightening, comforting poll results following the 2016 National Youth Gathering.
LCMS Deaconess Kim Schave and KFUO Radio host Andy Bates discuss the popular 'Fifty Shades' books and movies and their influence on domestic violence.