The Kalends for Christmas

The following were anciently read on Christmas Day in the Daily Office, but they may also serve as an introduction to the Divine Service on Christmas Day, read by the pastor from the entrance to the nave and leading directly into “O Come All Ye Faithful” as the processional hymn.

Keeping Advent

The Rev. Larry Peters of Grace Lutheran Church, Clarksville, Tenn., encourages the Church to avoid being like a theme park and to slow down and keep the focus on Christ this Advent season.

The Impact of LCMS Servant Events

For more than 30 years, thousands of Lutheran youth have participated in LCMS Servant Events, learning that serving others can make a difference because of Jesus Christ. LCMS Servant Events equip God's people to grow in their faith through serving, sharing Christ and developing relationships.

LCMS Stewardship Ministry – November 2013 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Stewardship Ministry, insight is provided into the theology of stewardship. In the area of stewardship lie both practical and pragmatic answers and solutions that determine the success of a congregation’s stewardship process and that point to how faithful members are in this area of their faith lives.

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission – November 2013 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Rural & Small Town Mission (RSTM), you are provided insight into the how LCMS congregations can keep the “millennials” – young adults born after the year 1980) – connected to the Church and interacting with this community of believers.

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission – October 2013 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Rural & Small Town Mission (RSTM), you are provided insight into the purpose of RSTM and what it is charged with doing for LCMS congregations. In addition, you will read about mission perspectives for work, whether you are in a rural setting or in another country halfway across the world.

LCMS Stewardship Ministry – October 2013 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Stewardship Ministry, you are provided insight what corporate stewardship is and why it is so important that we, as the Body of Christ, participate in it for the advancement of the Good News of Jesus Christ.