In His Hands: A Manual for Beginning and Operating Early Childhood Development Programs

Produced by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, In His Hands: A Manual for Beginning and Operating Early Childhood Development Programs is a resource manual for starting, expanding, or improving a Christ-centered early childhood development ministry.

The LCMS School Ministry manual is intended for leaders and board members of early childhood programs — freestanding or associated with a Lutheran elementary school — who are looking to start a new ministry or grow their existing programs.

The valuable resource provides direction as new programs are developed, and it offers ongoing support as established programs raise the bar of excellence through the utilization of accreditation, technology integration, and innovative marketing.

In His Hands is available in a soft-bound book as well as in electronic PDF format.

For more information about In His Hands, contact LCMS School Ministry at 888-THE LCMS or by email.