Floodwaters overtake areas surrounding St. Louis on Thursday, Dec. 31, 2015. LCMS Communications/Erik M. Lunsford

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Recent flooding in the greater Baton Rouge, LA area has left local responders looking for outside help. Thousands of homes have been flooded, including several hundred that are owned by LCMS members. The need for volunteers has never been greater! Thanks be to God that we are well positioned for a timely and effective response.

As a result of our many partnerships and ongoing conversations with the Southern District, the Rev. Ed Brashier, the Southern District DDRC, will be serving as the general point of contact for all disaster response related activities for the District. In conjunction with Camp Restore, they have established a short-term, local residential camp for volunteers to make the process easier and more streamlined. Lutheran Charities, another of our DDRC’s, has graciously agreed to assist in the coordination of volunteers during this time of immediate need.

The work will be general, basic muck-out work. There are no basements in the area, so it will be on the ground level. If you are interested in volunteering, or have teams/individuals in your district or other spheres of influence that are willing and able to volunteer, your help would be greatly appreciated.

Please click here to register

All volunteers will deploy to:

Trinity Lutheran Church

10925 Florida Blvd.

Baton Rouge, LA 70815

Please share this information with your constituents to let everyone know of these opportunities. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our office at disaster@lcms.org. God’s richest blessings to you!


Rev. Michael Meyer


Local Coordinator, Rev. Ed Brashier – shepherdsheartministry@yahoo.com

Volunteer Coordinator, LCC –  LCC@LutheranChurchCharities.org

Volunteer Registration: click here to register