“When we give, we rarely think of the thousands upon thousands of individuals all over the world who thank God for you and pray for you,” says the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). But as Paul says in 2 Corinthians 9, when the Corinthians gave to help others, this caused an “overflowing” of praise and thanksgiving.
People around the world continue to be impacted by the care and generosity that come from the individuals of the LCMS, and the January 2024 issue highlights two of these examples:
- In Cambodia, a fledgling Lutheran church body is receiving theological education and encouragement from an LCMS missionary who is walking alongside.
- In Fort Wayne, a young refugee found help with homework, a church family, and encouragement to study to become an LCMS pastor so that he can minister to his own community.