This issue of So Help Me God, the newsletter of LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, discusses how to share your story of faith in Christ with others.

First, Chaplain Steven Hokana, who once served as the pastor for death row inmates incarcerated by the military, writes about a time he shared his story with one of these inmates.

Hokana said that the inmate was astonished to hear that God created man in His image and that God loved all mankind. He had also never heard before that Jesus died on the cross to redeem all people from their sins. The inmate said he had always felt a great void in his life and was eager to learn more about Jesus. Hokana made sure to give him a copy of Luther’s Small Catechism before leaving that day.

This issue also includes an article by the Rev. Dr. R. Lee Hagan, LCMS Missouri District president, and practical tips for sharing your story of Christ’s love for you with others.

The newsletter also offers webpages and resources that can help individuals grow in Christ.