“Next to the proclamation of the Gospel, it is the task of a good pastor to be mindful of the poor. For wherever the Church is, there must be poor people,” Luther said.

“Our LCMS founders said much about pastors and congregations making special efforts to care for people in need. That specific mercy ministry may look different today, but the Scriptures still call us to that concern,” LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison writes in this issue of Sharing from LCMS World Relief and Human Care.

This issue takes a look at two instances where the people of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod are serving those in need:

  • Dr. Steve and Julie Lutz served for decades as missionaries in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, where they cared for people’s physical needs while also supporting the spread of the Gospel to remote areas.
  • At St. Martin Lutheran School for the Deaf in Dearborn, Mich., deaf children receive a high-quality education while also learning about their Savior, Jesus Christ.

LCMS World Relief and Human Care