In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month in the USA, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Office of National Mission (ONM), in collaboration with the Spanish Hymnal Committee and the Lutheran Heritage Foundation, is offering the new Spanish hymnal, Himnario Luterano, at a special promotional price of $10 each — a $20 discount per hymnal. This offer is available to LCMS congregations and members in the U.S.
Each case contains 10 hymnals, and orders in multiples of 10 are preferred whenever possible.
A limited supply of Himnario Luterano is currently in stock. Don’t miss this opportunity to secure your copies!
Additional information
- Learn more about the included hymns, services and more.
- LSB cross-reference guide.
- Himnario Luterano is not a direct translation of LSB but a compilation of content from past Spanish Hymnals and new material
For any questions, please contact us at hispanicministry@lcms.org. International requests can be emailed to Lutheran Heritage Foundation at info@LHFmissions.org.