LCMS Worship — September-October 2024 resources
This edition includes midweek Advent service suggestions, Institute recap, prayers, church year calendars and stewardship resources.
This edition includes midweek Advent service suggestions, Institute recap, prayers, church year calendars and stewardship resources.
This edition includes 150 Psalm sheets, Worship Institute recap, prayers, church year calendars and stewardship resources.
This edition includes 150 Psalm sheets, Prayers of the Church, stewardship resources, lectionary summaries and Church Year calendars.
This edition includes worship institute information, Prayers of the Church, stewardship resources, lectionary summaries and Church Year calendars.
This edition includes worship institute information, Prayers of the Church, stewardship resources, lectionary summaries and Church Year calendars.
This edition includes worship institute information, Prayers of the Church, stewardship resources, lectionary summaries and Church Year calendars.
This edition includes Lent and Easter media kit, Easter Vigil children's coloring book, worship institute information, Prayers of the Church, lectionary summaries and Church Year calendars.
This edition includes worship institute information, Lent and Easter media kit, prayers of the church, lectionary summaries and Church Year calendars.
This edition includes 2023-24 hymn suggestions, prayers of the church, lectionary summaries and Church Year calendars.
This edition includes 2023-24 hymn suggestions, prayers of the church, lectionary summaries and Church Year calendars.
This edition includes Advent devotions for the home, Advent media kits, 2023-24 hymn suggestions, prayers of the church, lectionary summaries and Church Year calendars.
LCMS Worship offers devotions that fix our attention on the three comings of Christ: once in the flesh, now in His Word and Sacraments, and at the Last Day for judgment and the resurrection — all to save us.
This edition includes 2023-24 hymn suggestions, prayers of the church, lectionary summaries and Church Year calendars.
This prayer booklet has been prepared for use by individuals or groups — laypeople, pastors and church workers — during pro-life prayer vigils.
This edition includes prayers of the church, lectionary summaries and Church Year calendars.