Life Together with President Harrison – May 2024
President Harrison provides updates on LCMS Church Worker Wellness, including an awareness campaign and new resources in development for church workers.
President Harrison provides updates on LCMS Church Worker Wellness, including an awareness campaign and new resources in development for church workers.
Collection of papers, articles, and information on the Two Kingdoms.
This edition includes worship institute information, Prayers of the Church, stewardship resources, lectionary summaries and Church Year calendars.
This edition shares information about new episodes of the "God's Mission Here" podcast, upcoming conferences from LCMS Specialized Spiritual Care Ministry and LCMS Youth Ministry, and free resources now available through the Every One His Witness evangelism program.
This issue highlights how private schools are being forced to comply with Title IX anti-discrimination regulations, a book on becoming "a street-level pro-life-apologist" and the increase in hostility against churches.
Collection of papers, articles, and information on the sanctity of life.
Collection of papers, articles, and information on miscarriage and stillbirth.
Collection of papers, articles, and information on the post-abortion experience.
Collection of papers, articles, and information on miscarriage and stillbirth.
A paper on The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s perspective on the Lutheran World Federation is available for study and discussion.
In this course, Prof. John Pless addresses many of the ethical challenges pastors and laity face when making decisions about treatment and care when life appears to be ending.