LCMS Stewardship Ministry – February 2021 bulletin blurbs and newsletter article
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin blurbs and newsletter articles each month to use in church publications.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin blurbs and newsletter articles each month to use in church publications.
The LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces newsletter encourages readers to consider the wonder of God and His love for us. God has transformed and redeemed our hearts, which we should guard through His Word.
The LCMS Rural and Small Town Mission newsletter discusses ways a deaconess can assist the pastors of local congregations and organizations.
LCMS Stewardship Ministry addresses our cultural understanding of the word “gift,” which involves a change of ownership and warns that using it to talk about stewardship may lead to confusion, especially in the Christmas season.
In this month's Life Together Digest, the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, proclaims the Good Christmas News of Christ's coming in the manger, on the cross, in His Word and Sacraments, and on the Last Day.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin blurbs and newsletter articles each month to use in church publications.
LCMS Stewardship Ministry addresses the importance of utilizing opportunities to teach stewardship year-round.
November edition features information on 2021 life marches, closed Communion, worship resources for Advent/Christmas, and other resources.
The Rural and Small Town Mission newsletter highlights the value of working together in partnerships, and it shares models for congregations considering how to partner together to spread God’s Word.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin blurbs and newsletter articles each month to use in church publications.
The LCMS Life Ministry newsletter shares how we as Lutherans can care for and show Christ’s love to others in all stages of life, even in the midst of a challenging and overwhelming year.
LCMS Stewardship Ministry addresses the importance of encouraging congregations in their role as stewards of the Gospel.
In this month's Life Together Digest, the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, reflects on the Reformation and discusses the certainty found in Christ and His forgiveness.
The Rural and Small Town Mission newsletter discusses how congregations can fulfill their mission joyfully and shift out of “survival mode.”
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin blurbs and newsletter articles each month to use in church publications.