Webinar: ‘Using the Basics in Outreach’

The Rev. Dr. Michael and Irene Paul, who serve the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod as missionaries in Taiwan, led a webinar titled "Using the Basics in Outreach."

Webinar: ‘Using Art in Outreach’

Deaconess Kim Bueltmann, who serves the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod as a missionary in Germany, presented a webinar on "Using Art in Outreach."

All Season Welcome Media Kit

This “Welcome” media kit is designed to help pastors and congregations welcome their members and those in the wider community to come to church each Sunday and receive, through Word and Sacrament, the life that only Jesus can give.

Webinar: ‘Using Home Visits in Outreach’

The Rev. Joel Fritsche, who serves the Lord as a missionary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in the Dominican Republic, led a webinar titled “Using Home Visits in Outreach.”