Life Together with President Harrison – January 2016

Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod President Matthew C. Harrison announces the January edition of Life Together — the Synod’s monthly digital news digest. Pastor Harrison shares highlights from the LCMS to aid the whole church as we live and work together to proclaim the Gospel and bear Christ’s mercy to one another in our congregations, communities and the world.

Service Learning for Confirmation

Christ took the form of a servant, so we, too, should become servants to others. What students learn in Confirmation should motivate them towards a life that reflects God’s love. Here are three reasons service learning benefits Confirmation.

Stewardship Thought for the Baptism of Our Lord

January 13th, one week after Epiphany, is the date the Church celebrates the Baptism of Our Lord. The following is the Stewardship Thought for this celebration. You can download Stewardship…

Checking the Oil: The Case for the Unrestricted Gift

We are beginning to overtly encourage God’s people to consider giving an annual unrestricted (undesignated) donation to the LCMS. I’ve been told that I’m off my rocker for even thinking about doing this. So, why do it?

Arise and Shine in Splendor

Often, the physical healing that we provide opens a door for sharing the Gospel. We don't always see it happen--mostly it happens long after the team is gone, through the local church partner who diligently follows up with those who were treat at our clinic.

Luther’s ‘The Babylonian Captivity of the Church’

The Babylonian Captivity of the Church appeared in print less than a week before the papal bull against Luther reached Wittenberg in October, 1520. Both works were being prepared at the same time: while Rome was working to prosecute Luther’s heresy trail, Luther was putting the Roman sacramental system on trial.

Bible Study with Luther: Galatians 1:6-20

The Reformation was not only about asserting what is true, but also rejecting that which is false. St. Paul’s passionate epistle to the Galatians is born out of his assertion of the Gospel and his defiance of false teaching.

What is a “Young Adult”?

Who are we talking about when we say “young adults”? Defining the phrase can be difficult but help us to in sharing the Gospel.

LCMS Life Ministry — Winter 2015 newsletter

In the winter 2015 issue of Notes for Life, LCMS Life Ministry provides insights and encouragement for ministry to the mentally ill and shares ways to intentionally care for the poor.

Albrecht Dürer’s “Adoration of the Magi”

In 1517 when Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Albrecht Dürer's magnificent painting, Adoration of the Magi, hung just inside the church mere feet away!

Reflections on Luther’s Flood Prayer

Theology will always lead to prayer. We listen to God and then echo His words back to Him in prayer. If you want to know what someone believes, listen to the way that they pray.